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MRC News

JACKSON, Miss.—If you’re a Mississippian headed for the ski slopes this March, take care that you don’t come back with a “spring break.”

Injuries are common among Southerners who ski only once or twice a year, said Karan Redditt, a physical therapist and certified sports therapist for Methodist Rehabilitation Center in Jackson.

“It’s usually because of a lack of experience or exposure to the slopes,” Redditt said.
Lori Gillis is one whose tenderfoot status left her with a tender knee. Her introduction to skiing included a rescue by the ski patrol.

JACKSON, Miss.—Methodist Rehabilitation Center, Goodwill Industries and VSA Artists of Mississippi are encouraging artists with disabilities to participate in the 15th annual Goodwill Art Show at the Jackson hospital.

During the week of April 7-11, artists from Mississippi and nearby states are encouraged to bring their work to Methodist Rehab where it will hang until judging on April 22.

JACKSON—Sammy Safety, a certified safety superhero, will join the Ridgeland Fire Department Saturday for their Safety Checkpoint Day.

Sammy, the injury prevention mascot for Methodist Rehabilitation Center, will show children and parents the importance of wearing bicycle helmets and seatbelts, along with other important safety information provided by the Ridgeland fire and police departments, the Madison County Sheriff’s Department and Child Safety Programs.

JACKSON, Miss.—Of the many artists with disabilities in Mississippi, most of them discovered their talents well after their disability. For some, it was through sheer luck.

No more. Through a $10,000 grant from VSA Arts of Mississippi, patients at Methodist Rehabilitation Center will have the opportunity to learn how to express themselves through art.

It’s not art therapy, says Sam Clark of Jackson. It’s creative expression.

JACKSON, Miss.—Brownies and Tigers and Bears. Oh, my.

The First Methodist Church of Magee will be the scene of a menagerie of sorts Saturday, as Sammy Safety, Methodist Rehabilitation Center’s injury prevention mascot, spreads the word about bicycle safety to members of Boy Scout Pack 83 and Girl Scout Troops 711 and 895.

Sammy will be joined by Tom Martin, owner of The Bike Rack in Flowood, and Lisa Valadie, injury prevention coordinator for Child Safety Programs.

JACKSON, Miss.—With tension rising in the Middle East and the threat of terrorism here at home, it’s vital that health care facilities be prepared for almost any emergency.

That’s the message Damon Darsey carries with him when he speaks to hospitals about the obligation that health care providers have during a time of crisis.

JACKSON, Miss.—It’s as much a part of January as Christmas trees in the trash pile and credit card bills in the mail. Soon after the New Year, people start suffering the symptoms of what might be called Unrealistic Resolution Syndrome.

It’s what happens when a couch potato turns over a new leaf, then turns an ankle. Or when a veteran runner ramps up his mileage and strains a hamstring.

Typically, it’s a case of doing too much, too soon, said Mark Ware, manager of orthopedic physical therapy at Methodist Rehabilitation Center and a certified sports therapist.

JACKSON, Miss.—Harmon Tillman’s hunting buddies all knew he was a safety nut. “They called me an old maid because I was so very careful,” said the retired United Methodist minister from Winona.

JACKSON—So are you a Dum Dum or a Smartie?

Methodist Rehabilitation Center’s injury prevention mascot, Sammy Safety, will ask hundreds of school kids that very question all next week during the Sammy Safety Seatbelts and Treats Week.

Sammy and area emergency personnel will visit schools in Ridgeland, Jackson, Byram and Rankin County to spread the word about the importance of wearing seatbelts. They will greet students as they arrive in the car pool lines and offer them candy based on whether or not they are wearing their seatbelt.

Guess who gets the Dum Dums?

JACKSON, Miss.—After years of criss-crossing the country to find competition, Methodist Rehabilitation Center’s quad rugby team is finally facing competition on its own turf.
And it is some stiff competition.

The Lakeshore Demolition of Birmingham, Ala., is coming to Jackson this Saturday to play three games against the Jackson Jags who are sponsored by Methodist Rehab and the Mississippi Paralysis Association. The Demolition is the number one ranked team in the country.
