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Not everyone would travel over two hours for a doctor’s appointment, but it makes sense for Shameka Price of Sardis.

Since sustaining a spinal cord injury in 2012, Price has relied on the expertise of staff at Methodist Rehabilitation Center to meet her medical needs. So when she learned the Jackson hospital had added outpatient urology services, the 24-year-old hit the road once again.

Check out the services available for people with spinal cord injuries at a Community Resource Fair, set for 12-2 p.m. May 22 in the BankPlus Conference Center at Methodist Rehabilitation Center in Jackson. The fair will feature Methodist Rehab’s Assistive Technology Services, Therapeutic Recreation Program, Spinal Cord Injury Support Group and Navigator Program.

When Methodist Rehabilitation Center opened four decades ago, no one was more ready for the moment than Lamar Myers.

A quadriplegic since age 16, the 20-year-old Morton native had been languishing in the “rehab” wing of a Vicksburg charity hospital for two years.

“It was really just a place to put you,” he said. “The rehab part was making souvenir plaques and ceramics. I even had to share a wheelchair until I got my own. One guy would use it the morning, and I would use it in the afternoon.”

Methodist Rehabilitation Center recently named three staff members as its Employees of the Year.

Carlene Bass of Jackson was named Support Services Employee of the Year. She serves as unit clerk for the hospital’s brain injury program.

Conitra Williams of Madison was named Clinical Services Employee of the Year. She serves as shift manager for the hospital’s brain injury program.

After just a few months in America, little Liam Frost is already a lot like his Hattiesburg peers.

He loves snacking on Cheerios, bedeviling his big sisters and snuggling in his mother’s lap for story time.

It’s a slice of family life Liam never knew in China, and Keith and Jennifer Frost are grateful they can give the almost 2-year-old a home.

When the Ole Miss Sigma Nus chose Marcus Banks as the recipient of funds from their 2015 Charity Bowl, he was honored.

But his father Melvin knew one tiny detail should be out in the open first.

“One of the first things he said to us was, ‘Let’s go ahead and get this out front—I’m a Mississippi State fan, I graduated from State—don’t hold it against me,” said Taylor Massengill, philanthropy chairman for the March 27 event.

Nursing is one of the most dangerous jobs in America, according to a series of investigative reports airing during February on National Public Radio.

Each year, nursing employees incur more than 35,000 bodily injuries related to lifting and moving patients, says the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

But in Mississippi, Methodist Rehabilitation Center is reversing the national trend.

The Jackson hospital has reduced such injuries by more than 80 percent since it began installing a 132-unit, ceiling-mounted lift system in 2010.

Every January, fitness centers are flooded with folks making good on New Year’s resolutions.

And it isn’t long before therapy gyms are jam-packed, too.

“We often see people suffering from overuse injuries such as shin splints, tendinitis and plantar fasciitis,” says Amy Macon, a physical therapist at Methodist Outpatient Rehabilitation Center in Flowood and a veteran runner.

But local fitness experts say such injuries can be avoided with the right approach. Here’s their advice on how to pursue your 2015 fitness goals safely and successfully.

Methodist Rehabilitation Center has joined with St. Dominic Hospital, Baptist Health Systems and the University of Mississippi Medical Center to host City-Wide Stroke Connection, a monthly support group for stroke survivors, family members and caregivers.

The first support group meeting will be 2 p.m., Friday, Jan. 9 at Methodist Specialty Care Center, One Layfair Drive, Suite 500 in Flowood. Samantha Harrison will speak about heart healthy diets.

The event is free to the public and no RSVP is required. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call 601-936-8888.

For two long weeks, Carolyn Lee lost touch with reality.

Left confused by brain swelling caused by West Nile virus, the mother of three didn’t even recognize her daughters.

“My prognosis was not good,” said the 58-year-old Jackson nurse. “The doctors said I had stayed under a long time and would probably come out with brain damage and be paralyzed.”
