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MRC News

JACKSON, Miss.—When someone discovers they have diabetes, their whole world changes. If not properly treated and controlled the disease may lead to stroke, amputation or death.

But physicians at Methodist Rehabilitation Center say diabetics can lead long, healthy lives by learning to control the illness and not letting it control them.

PETAL, Miss.—When Brett Hornick logs on to Methodist Rehabilitation Center’s new Web site he’ll be able to read the latest health and research news from the only hospital in Mississippi that offers comprehensive medical rehabilitation programs for people with spinal cord and brain injuries, stroke and other neurological and orthopedic disorders.

But the former Methodist Rehab patient might be more interested in a story about his own remarkable recovery.

JACKSON, Miss.—Freezing temperatures, ice and snow aren’t that common in Mississippi, but they can be deadly when they strike. A Methodist Rehabilitation Center physician says Mississippians can reduce or eliminate the dangers of severe weather by planning ahead and preparing for the worst.

Dr. Rahul Vohra, Methodist Rehab’s medical director, encourages Mississippians to have safe emergency heating equipment on hand, several days supply of wood for fireplaces and portable space heaters to keep warm.

JACKSON, Miss.—Celebrating the New Year should be fun and exciting, but Methodist Rehabilitation Center urges revelers to remember that incorrectly used fireworks can turn a joyful celebration into a dangerous event.

Dr. David Collipp, medical director of the rehab surgery program at Methodist Rehab, encourages children and adults to use extreme caution when handling fireworks. Children are most likely to be involved in firework-related injuries.

JACKSON, Miss.—Millions of travelers will be hitting the highways, not skyways, this holiday season in a rush to gather with family and friends. Most people will be concerned about not forgetting Christmas gifts, but Methodist Rehabilitation Center urges families to remember that safety is perhaps the best gift of all.

Dr. Rahul Vohra, Methodist Rehab’s medical director, encourages families to use appropriate car seats and seat belts for children and to always buckle up.

JACKSON, Miss.—Joy Jones says she had always wanted to be an artist. But a bout with a rare connective tissue disorder almost took from her the means to be creative. Almost.

Until February, the works of Jones, an award-winning artist, are on display at Methodist Rehabilitation Center’s art gallery in the gift shop in its Atrium Mall. Nine of her vibrantly colored pieces show off her skills using oils, pastels and watercolors.

JACKSON, Miss.—Some dogs were just born to help others, says Suzanne Sims.

Take Adam, for instance. The 10 year-old Australian shepherd has been lending a warm paw to people with problems for seven years since a holiday visit to Methodist Rehabilitation Center changed his world.

“He was a rescue dog and he just took to therapy and helping others,” Sims said. “We had visited Methodist Rehab just before Christmas and my heart went out to all the patients who didn’t have family to come visit them over the holidays so we decided to make it an annual event.

JACKSON, Miss.—The Wilson Research Foundation has received a $100,000 donation from an anonymous donor to fund research at the Center for Neuroscience and Neurological Recovery at Methodist Rehabilitation Center.

The donation will be given over a five-year period in installments of $20,000 each year.

JACKSON, Miss.—What began as a couple of buildings and a train set has become a full-fledged holiday tradition at Methodist Rehabilitation Center.

In the Jackson hospital’s second floor Atrium Mall the sounds of an old locomotive pulling out of the depot filled with holiday passengers signals the approach of Christmas.

JACKSON, Miss.—Methodist Rehabilitation Center’s Christmas safety tag campaign is catching on with retailers across Mississippi.

Two weeks ago the Jackson hospital began offering stores that sell bikes, scooters, skates or skateboards safety information tags to place on those popular Christmas gifts. The tags, which feature the hospital’s injury prevention mascot, Sammy Safety, encourage parents to buy safety helmets and knee and elbow pads when they purchase any toy with wheels that children can ride.
