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MRC News

Published on December 14, 2006
Susan Christensen
Health and Research News Service

Dr. Mark Sherer

JACKSON, Miss.--Dr. Mark Sherer of Madison, director of neuropsychology at Methodist Rehabilitation Center in Jackson, is one of only four professionals this year to be named a fellow by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM).

The award from the world’s leading nterdisciplinary rehabilitation research organization recognizes Dr. Sherer’s significant contributions to the field of medical rehabilitation and to the ACRM.

“It is very special to be included in such a small circle of leaders in rehabilitation research and clinical care,” Dr. Sherer said. “It is always an honor to be recognized by one's colleagues and by leaders in the field who have inspired your own work.”

Dr. Sherer is clinical director of Quest, Methodist Rehab’s community reintegration program for people with brain injuries, and project director for the Traumatic Brain Injury Model System of Mississippi. He is also chairperson for Methodist Rehab’s Research Council and a clinical professor of neurology and psychiatry at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.

Dr. Sherer is a board certified neuropsychologist with more than 20 years experience as a clinician, administrator and educator in brain injury rehabilitation. He is also a fellow of the American Psychological Association and the National Academy of Neuropsychology.

A principal investigator for Methodist Rehab’s Center for Neuroscience and Neurological Recovery, Dr. Sherer has published more than 175 articles, chapters and abstracts and has given numerous presentations to state, national and international conferences. Dr. Sherer serves on editorial boards for Applied Neuropsychology, Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, and Rehabilitation Psychology.